A law book with a gavel - Patent law
Fusion IP Law

Patent and Business Attorneys

The team at Fusion IP Law aims to deliver superior, sustained business value to our clients by helping protect and monetize innovations. We believe that intellectual property and business objectives must work together to create the highest value outcomes.

As patent attorneys in California, we are passionate about helping innovators and innovative technology companies maximize their success by focusing on the business value of an idea and helping to turn inventions into profits. We believe ideas are more valuable when a complete strategy exists.

Combining Patent Expertise and Business Acumen

Many firms treat patents as a “commodity” good. They deliver the protection requested by the client with little thought about how it fits into a long-term strategy. For the California business attorneys at Fusion IP Law, intellectual property and business law go hand-in-hand.

We develop a uniquely tailored strategy designed to help your business achieve its goals in an efficient and cost-effective manner. We take the time to get to know your business and your plans for the innovation before recommending a comprehensive strategy that maximizes protection, monetization, and future innovation. Our experienced attorneys accomplish this through careful strategic planning, portfolio reviews and management, comprehensive preparation, aggressive patent prosecution, and business planning.

To learn more about our comprehensive approach to each innovation, see our MAPS Approach.

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Fusion IP Law
Office folder with inscription Patents on Office Desktop with Office Supplies. Business Concept on Blurred Background. Toned Image.
Fusion IP Law

The Patent, IP and Business Attorney to Help You Take the Next Step

Finding the right California patent and business attorney is about more than just matching the skills and expertise with your needs. You also want someone who shares your energy and is focused on your success. If you’re looking for a patent attorney with passion, commitment, and experience, we’d love to hear from you.

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